Edited by the elected committee of the British Association for the Study of Religions:

Dr Christopher Cotter, The Open University, UK

Dr Stephen Gregg, Wolverhampton, UK

Dr Suzanne Owen, Leeds Trinity University, UK

Dr Mel Prideaux, University of Leeds, UK


Coordinating Editor:

Professor Melanie Prideaux, University of Leeds


International Editorial Board:

Prof Milda Ališauskien?, Vytautas Magnus University, Lithuania

Prof Eileen Barker, LSE, Emerita, UK

Dr Marion Bowman, The Open University, UK

Prof James L. Cox, University of Edinburgh, Emeritus, UK

Dr George Chryssides, York St John, UK

Prof Carole Cusack, University of Sydney, Australia

Prof Ingvild Saelid Gilhus, University of Bergen, Norway

Prof Rosalind Hackett, Tennessee, USA

Prof Graham Harvey, The Open University, UK

Dr James Kapalo, University College Cork, Ireland

Prof Kim Knott, Lancaster, UK

Dr Kieko Obuse, Mahidol University, Thailand

Prof Geoffrey Samuel, Cardiff, Emeritus,UK

Dr Will Sweetman, Otago, NZ

Dr Teemu Taira, University of Helsinki, Finland

Prof Einar Thomassen, University of Bergen, Norway

Prof David Thurfjell, Södertörns, Sweden